Saturday, November 2, 2013

In Summary

So to sum up a wonderful two months, here are my final thoughts on my experiences.

In two months I visited a total of 15 countries (18 if you include Slovakia and Slovenia that I traveled through but didn't stop in) and approximately 38 cities. However, the amount of countries and cities that I visited is irrelevant. What was important were the people that I met. They were far more valuable to me than sightseeing. 

There were some places where I spent basically the whole day doing nothing, just hanging out with people, getting to know them and watching movies together. Was this wasted time? Will I regret seeing all those 'must-see' tourist spots that I missed? Not at all. My priorities are in order. People come first. There is a proverb which I love and it says: 

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

I made great friends, was treated to the best hospitality in the world, sang, danced, ate, drank (all nonalcoholic drinks mind you!), went to the opera, performed on stage, walked long distances, took buses, planes, ferries, trams, trains, hitchhiked, drove cars, and an ATV dune buggy. 

When I was running out of money and thought I would have to cancel plans, I was miraculously given money without even asking. I was able to expand my plans rather than constrict. 

All I can say is that my life is testament to the unbelievable provision and blessing of the Lord and His grace - for giving me such an amazing gift that I did not deserve. 

My final advice for you is this: 

1. Travel with integrity. Don't try to cheat the system. Always buy a bus ticket, even if you know you will get away with not buying one. If you don't want to spare the expense, walk. I met a lot of travellers who would try to save a buck by not paying for the bus/train, and certain cities have ticketing systems where you can get away with it. But don't do that! Don't save a buck when it will cheat someone else out of it - and don't put yourself in a position where you could be found guilty! Travel with integrity.

2. Travel without fear. Don't be so fearful when meeting new 'strange' people. Talk to them without fear. Go to places without fear. Don't buy in to all the scaremongering and warnings. Take heed of their advice and be wise, but follow your instincts. Go and see things for yourself. Don't let fear (and hearsay) stop you! 

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